Sunday, October 16, 2016

Green Papaya Bee Hoon Fish Soup

(Good for Boosting Breast Milk)

1. Fish bones/fish head
2. Fish meat (Marinate with light soya sauce, pepper, 花调酒 and sesame oil)
3. Ginger
4. 10 Red dates 
5. 1 密枣
6. 1 small or 1/2 big green (or half riped) papaya
7. Lemongrass

<Papaya Fish Soup Base>

1. Boil washed red dates, 密枣, green papaya and lemongrass in a big pot of water.
2. Dry fry (without oil) fish bones and fish head in a hot pan till brown.
3. Put fish bones and fish head into the boiled water in step 1 and simmer in low fire for 3 hours.

(This papaya fish soup base can be put in packets and stored in the freezer for subsequent use.)

<Papaya Fish Soup Bee Hoon>
4. Add bee hoon (without soaking in water) in the soup (add more water into the soup, where necessary).
5. Remove bee hoon and add fish slices, vegetables and tomatoes. Off fire when fish is cooked. And we are done! :)

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