Monday, October 17, 2016

Things I Learnt About Confinement

1. It is okay to bathe.

It is important to keep yourself clean and fresh during confinement as this makes you feel good and helps prevent skin problems. BUT always ensure that you DRY yourself immediately amd thoroughly right after your shower. And it is advisable to shower before the sun sets.

Make sure that you wash, DRY and medicate your wound area after each time you pee/shit (for vaginal birth with stitches).

2. Stay dry and away from direct wind, but keep the house well ventilated.

Well, 老一辈 always says "wear more clothes to keep warm", "cannot shower", "close all windows", etc...

But truth is, do you know that you can get headache even when you are just wet in perspiration??

Singapore, being so hot and humid, will definitely make you perspire like crazy! Hence, I feel that you should bathe yourself to keep clean, but make sure you dry yourself immediately, and stay away from DIRECT wind at all times.

If you are perspiring alot, make sure that you wipe off your sweat immediately. And it is important to keep the house well ventilated. So long as the wind is not blowing directly at you, it is fine to have some wind in the house.

3. Drink more water.

Water helps reduce water retention.
Yah, you didn't hear me wrong!

When you take in more water, your body will try the dispel the extra water from your body (usually through sweat and urine).

On the other hand, when your body is dehydrated, it will try to retain as much water as possible. Which leads to more water retention.

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